Estes são alguns exemplos de relatos de viajantes ingleses que estiveram aqui pelas terras brasileiras. Os textos foram extraídos do informativo mensal do Servas International, edição de março deste ano.
Brazil, learning
We stayed with Roberto in Sao Paolo who was an excellent host in this very hectic city. He was knowledgeable about Servas and the very vast moving history of the town. Certainly an insight that would have been unavailable any other way.
Hannah also stayed with André in Rio Grande do Sul, his first guest! This area was totally unlike the metropolitan distracts and once again the host was key to learning how it all works.
R Boyle, H Dee, Leeds, England
Brazil 2
São João del Rei: Tom and Marcia went out of their way to spend time with us, showing us much of the local area as well as introducing us to other friends. Last be not least, the food from Tom's own garden was great!
Rio de Janeiro: At very short notice (1day) Jürg invited us to spend 24 hours on his small-holding in the mountains. He introduced us to his philosophy of eating only raw fruit and vegetables (virtually all home grown)
C Allen, Buxton, England
Brazil, learning
We stayed with Roberto in Sao Paolo who was an excellent host in this very hectic city. He was knowledgeable about Servas and the very vast moving history of the town. Certainly an insight that would have been unavailable any other way.
Hannah also stayed with André in Rio Grande do Sul, his first guest! This area was totally unlike the metropolitan distracts and once again the host was key to learning how it all works.
R Boyle, H Dee, Leeds, England
Brazil 2
São João del Rei: Tom and Marcia went out of their way to spend time with us, showing us much of the local area as well as introducing us to other friends. Last be not least, the food from Tom's own garden was great!
Rio de Janeiro: At very short notice (1day) Jürg invited us to spend 24 hours on his small-holding in the mountains. He introduced us to his philosophy of eating only raw fruit and vegetables (virtually all home grown)
C Allen, Buxton, England