“Tribute to Afro Latin American people, the challenge to join our families in friendship”
Servas group during the tour
Servas South America another time to meet, cultivate friendship and plan for the future!
Servas South American Congress, Brazil – 2010 in Salvador Bahia Brazil, from October 20th to 24th 2010, enlarged upon Servas successes in the region, which began in Missiones (Argentina) in October 2007 and continued in Villa de Leyva (Colombia) in April 2009. Jaime Romero recently chosen as Area Coordinator by Servas member groups in South America splendidly advanced Roberto Borenstein’s valuable original contribution, in collaboration with Alvany Santiago as National Secretary of Servas Brazil and Pablo Chufeni, International Coordinator of Servas Youth.
Fun time
Jaime talking about peace
About 40 peoples attended the Congress. Eight National Groups from South America were represented: Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Colombia, Paraguay, Peru, Uruguay and Venezuela. Eight youth delegates also attended from these countries. Pablo Colangelo, Servas International Host list Coordinator, expertly represented Servas International Executive Committee. He gave updates on Dolphin, ServasOnLine and other resolutions from the Servas International General Assembly of 2009. Luisa Corbetta Servas International Peace Secretary also highlighted Peace themes, when she joined the Congress by teleconference from Italy, and with Jaime Romero explained the Peace Training Course and other peace activities.
The Congress integrated three events: Regional South American Meeting, Servas Brazil National Assembly and South American Servas Youth Meeting with the following common objectives:
- Improve peace philosophy between Servas members encouraging personal networking and engagements with nonprofit organizations.
- Increase the ties of friendship and contact among Servas members in the region and also to discuss issues passed during the General Assembly 2009.
- Discuss strengthening proposals for Servas at national, regional and international level.
- Involve Youth within Servas and recognize the importance of Afro descendant people in the development of Brazil.
- Appoint new Youth Local Contacts for National Groups without them.
- Call attention to environmental issues.
Participants committed themselves to keep working towards Servas improvement in their region when back home.
Among the commitments: insert member’s data into Dolphin; develop peace activities; organize SYLE and SCE- Servas Cultural Experience initiated by Servas Argentina, Brazil and Venezuela; and above all -- to foster and maintain Servas networking in South America in order to learn from each other.
Angelita Maria dos Santos, from Associação das Mulheres Rendeiras - Petrolina (PE)
Rita Dessauvage:
“I wish you a very successful congress and remember that words, words and more words are not enough. We need action to face the challenges of the coming years; Servas needs your involvement and your collaboration not only during this Congress but above all when you are back at home.”
Gary Sealey:
“By the end of your Congress, please consider: Servas needs you and your friends, either as elected leaders or as volunteers. Your community needs you and Servas, too. Please share your learnings from this Congress. Tell your neighbourhood friends, your clubs, your schools and your fellow workers the Servas process, meanings, and fun. Help them see the need for discovery and understanding. Help them hear the value and power of Servas. Reflect on the gift you get from this Congress and then – Please pass that gift to your waiting and needy world.”
We are very grateful to everyone who helped the Congress for delivering their promises so well.
Alvany Santiago – Servas Brazil and Jaime Romero – Area Coordinator for South America.
Photos by: Dinorah Sanz – Uruguay and Luciane Braga- Brazil.
Full report is about to come!